Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Lousy Advice

I've got a little bit of a penchant for advice these days. So to keep things fair and balanced I give the good with the bad, distinguishing between the two I leave as an exercise for the reader. (Gotta use Critical Thinking somewhere people)

Over at The Chronicle Review is an article by Geoffrey K. Pullman entitled 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice ».

In the article Pullman discusses the 50th anniversary of The Elements of Style, yes that book. Essentially, as well as some really good advice, there are a number of errors in that book. Errors that have been perpetuated by teachers and writers both for decades now.

Sigh. I remember having my short stories covered in red ink by one particular teacher who was a devout follower of Elements of Style. Hearing the words "Passive Voice" still stirs a decidedly non-passive response within me.

So the message, with any advice, be it from me or from some guys 50 years ago, is to evaluate whether it makes sense for you. Don't allow argument from authority to blind your critical thinking skills.

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