Friday, February 13, 2009

Fantasy Friday? - Sober Facts of Love

There is an article on the Science of Love over at the CBC website. The Article references recent research that shows love acts in the brain much like a drug. Including withdrawal symptoms for love lost.

I like to think that this is something that any poet could tell you. The Science is interesting, but this is one area where I think Fantasy does a better job of capturing all that is love. To try and capture that emotion in something so simplistic as chemical equations is to deny the greatness that love provides us.

Some of the most memorable characters in history and fiction were driven by love. Not just love of a romantic sort, but love of country, or of comrades in arms. A drug can provide superhuman strength, or the ability to stay awake for hours. But no drug can ultimately fulfil us the way simple selfless love can. No drug brings us closer to transcendence than love.

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