Monday, February 9, 2009

Market Mondays: Who's Looking?

So LAST WEEK I mentioned that the Writing World is facing Market Troubles. In other words everybody is going out of business. Well, before you panic and give up writing entirely, I've got good news.

There's a new Magazine starting up this year, honestly I hope more than one starts this year, but I'll take what I can get. Warren Lapine, of DNA Infamy is back, and hoping to make good with a new Magazine: Fantastic Stories of the Imagination. Follow the link to see what they are looking for.
Here are some others also looking for new Speculative Fiction:
More Below...

* 3 Lobed Burning Eye
Online Speculative Fiction Magazine - "Stories that Monsters like to Read"

* Analog SF
Widely considered the magazine where "Science Fiction Grew Up"

* Asimov's Science Fiction
Stories from Asimov's have won 44 Hugos and 24 Nebula Awards, and their editors have received 18 Hugo Awards for Best Editor.

* Electric Spec
An e-zine featuring science fiction, fantasy, and macabre short stories

* Escape Velocity
Hard science fiction stories with a slant toward the future human condition

* Interzone
This speculative fiction magazine often publishes issues based on different themes.

* On Spec This Quarterly Magazine showcases quality works by predominantly Canadian writers and artists, in the genre they call "Fantastic" literature

* Quantum Kiss
A journal of Romantic Speculative fiction (equal weight to both)

* Shiny Magazine
A Young Adult magazine mostly interested in stories with speculative elements - science fiction, fantasy and horror

I wish the list was bigger, but many magazines are still closed to submissions, in the next quarter some more should open up. As always, check Ralan's Market Listings for information.

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