Friday, February 27, 2009

Contact me? Syndication? Just like what I write?

So recently I recieved a comment on one of my posts informing me that my article had appeared elsewhere.


I write this blog to share my thoughts and the information that I come across with others. If someone wishes to reprint something from my blog elsewhere they have my permission. I only request (not demand) two things:
1. That they let me know (and link to the reprint) in the comments of my original article, or in the comments of this article. This way I can enjoy seeing my writing elsewhere and even cross promote their site.
2. That they provide a link back to my site from the article that they reprint. That way people who enjoyed my writing can find more of it.

I've got a copyright notice on the blog - upper right corner currently - but this is the internet, people are going to link to, reprint, repost my work. I expect and even encourage and support that behaviour. As for those who do so without giving any credit to me, well, that's their choice and I'm not losing sleep over it.

Me, I'm gonna try and follow the Golden Rule, Link and Attribute, it's not that hard.

I'm linking this post to my profile as my contact page, any comments or questions about me and my blog that are not directly related to a post can be placed below.

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